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Mortgage Professor about Fair Isaac: 
Credit Scores: How Much Debt Is Too Much?
December 6, 2004 How Does Debt Affect FICO Score? "When I ordered my FICO score, one of the reasons given for my low score was that ?The amount owed on your accounts is too high.? Since I own marketable securities that are worth twice as much as all my debts combined, ... more...

Lease-to-Own House Purchases
20 September 2004, 3 October 2005 Postscript What Is a Lease-to-Own Purchase? A lease-to-own house purchase (also "rent-to-own purchase" or "lease purchase") is a lease combined with an option to purchase the property within a specified period, usually 3 ... more...

Fair Isaac related definitions

Credit Score
Credit Score A single numerical score, based on an individual's credit history, that measures that individual's credit worthiness. Credit scores are as good as the algorithm used to derive them. The most widely used credit score is called ... more...

Equity The difference between the fair market value and current indebtedness, also referred to as the owner's interest. The value an owner has in real estate over and above the obligation against the property. Equity increases as the mortgage is paid or as the property enjoys ... more...

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Insurance Credit Scoring: An Ethical Issue
The issue at hand is the use of a consumers credit score as an underwriting tool for auto insurance rates. What is a credit score or FICO score? A FICO score is a credit score developed by Fair Isaac & Co. Credit scoring is a method of determining the likelihood that credit users will pay their ... more...

Understanding The Different Types Of FICO Credit Scores
Before credit scores were developed, lenders use to physically look over each applicants credit report and credit history to determine whether or not to extend credit. This process was highly time consuming and sometimes resulted in large human errors.As a result, Fair Isaac created the credit ... more...

Fico Scoring Basics
FICO scoring originated from the Fair Isaac Company. The Fair Isaac Company invented the current credit scoring system that turns all of your credit information into a personal credit score. Today lenders still use this credit scoring system to determine credit risk.The term FICO scoring means, a ... more...

Landlords Dance The FICO Fandango
Fair Isaac Corporation is the creator of the FICO credit score that is used today by most lenders to evaluate consumer credit risk. FICO scores range from a poor credit low of 500 to a best credit rating of 850.The higher the FICO score the lower the interest rates offered by most lenders. For ... more...

New Credit Scoring Model Could Help Millions
Mark and Beth, a young married couple in their twenties, established a goal to buy a home within the first three years of their marriage before starting a family. They budgeted and used their money wisely in order to save for the down payment. Whenever they purchased something they always paid ... more...

Common Credit Score Myths
A lot of credit score myths about fico score ratings get spread around and some of them are just outdated information. Sometimes even lenders can give you the wrong advice and it can get confusing. But the bottom line is bad information can cost you money no matter who you get it from.Fico score ... more...

Business Credit Scoring: Is It a Killer Application or Application Killer?
In his 1968 seminal novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Arthur Clarke introduced HAL, a spaceship computer with artificial intelligence. Mission engineers designed HAL to carry out an array of technical orders to safeguard the ships mission. HAL operated flawlessly until it reported the failed operation ... more...

What Makes a Credit Score Rise or Fall?
OUR financial decisions can affect your credit score in surprising ways. Two credit-scoring simulators can help consumers understand the potential impact.The Fair Isaac Corporation, which puts out the industry-standard FICO scores, offers the myFICO simulator. A consumer with a score of 707 ... more...

How To Boost Your Credit Score
Years ago your credit score was a big secret, known only to a select few such as your mortgage and credit card companies. In 2000, Fair, Isaac Co., the major supplier of credit scoring software, announced they would begin sharing credit scores, also known as FICO scores, with consumers.What is a ... more...

Credit Reports Why Your Credit Score is Important
If you have never heard of a FICO score before, you should become familiar with the term. Named for the firm that invented it, Fair Isaac Corp., the FICO score is the three-digit credit summary that, in essence, reduces your entire financial life to a simple set of numerals.The score represents a ... more...

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